Thursday, July 3, 2008


So it's a new month, so it's time for new goals. Last months were:

Finish the last 6 of Ninja Baby's Care Bears. One more was finished
Finish the parrot for Mr. CW's Mom. Page 1 is finished
Start and get at least 25-50% of birth sampler done for cousin's baby girl. Done and waiting on a name and date.
Get at least 400 more stitches into Ninja Baby's birth announcement. I started over and probably have about 150?
Frame and send out Sweet Treat to Ann. Framed.

July's goals are:

  1. Do three hankies for Sandye.
  2. Send Sweet Treat to Ann.
  3. Finish the last 5 Carebears.
  4. Finish at least 50% of page 2 of Murphy the Parrot.
  5. At least 200 stitches into Heaven Sent.