Sunday, March 30, 2008

No. More. Wires and Computers!

Okay, it's done. The ultimate implosion that was imminent has now happened. My two year old laptop decided to bite the dust today. Pictures that I was going to post today- gone. Saved patterns- gone. Can't we all just go back to the old fashioned way? You know, paper and pen?

So... in lieu of my planned post, this is more of a to-be-continued. Sorry.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ayo, I'm tired of this technology.

So... I'm back after a slight crash of the computer, I'm back. Nothing has changed on the crafting front, but I did get one of my research papers done. So... on to new things!

When you stitch a pattern that you have downloaded do you print out the pattern or do you stitch directly from your computer screen?

I actually save them on a disc and print out copies as needed. I always have a working copy so I don't mess up the original. This makes things so much easier. That way, I have it stored neatly, and I don't have to go back to the site/search my hard drive for it or deal with trying to count on the screen.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Something Old, Something New... You Know the Rest.

For my old:

I'm recycling an SBQ question that I never answered. This one was suggested by Ternezia and is:

If you were a cross stitch designer, what would your design style be?

I think if I were a cross stitch designer, my style would be realistic wildlife. As much as I love dragons and unicorns, a beautiful tiger or deer is what will catch my eye every time.

Now for the new:

Baby D is home! He came home on Monday and things have been kind of whirl wind since then. Welcome home, little guy.

Also, I got a wonderful package from Mary at Confessions of a Craft Addict (link on the left) after winning a drawing for her blogiversary. Thank you so much! I can't wait to pull out my sewing machine and start on that bag while listening to my cd.

And something borrowed:

I found this meme on Incoherent Scribblings (also linked on the left) and decided to do it.

In a Word. One word answers for every question.

1. Where is your cellphone? - Desk
2. Relationship? - Wonderful
3. Your hair? - Red
4. Work? - School
5. Your sister? - No.
6. Your favorite thing? - Crafting
7. Your dream last night? - Weird
8. Your favorite drink? - Cappuccino
9. Your dream car? - Spyder
10. The room you’re in? - Computer
11. Your shoes? - Nike
12. Your fears? - Tarantulas
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? - Loved.
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? - Matt
15. What are you not good at? - Math
16. Muffin? - Lemon
17. One of your wish list items? - Dragons
18. Where you grew up? - Midwest
19. Last thing you did? - Type
20. What are you wearing? - Pajamas
21. What aren’t you wearing? - Socks
22. Your pet? - Numerous
23. Your computer? - Gateway
24. Your life? - Happy
25. Your mood? - Fair
26. Missing? - Matt
27. What are you thinking about right now? - Food!
28. Your car? - Huge
29. Your kitchen? - Yellow
30. Your summer? - Far
31. Your favorite color? - Crimson
32. Last time you laughed? - Today
33. Last time you cried? - Weekend
34. School? - Gah!
35. Love? - Matt

And finally, the something blue:

My next project is the Carebear- Grumpy Bear. He's blue.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What do I do now?

SBQ time:

After you stitch a pattern or kit, what do you do with it?

Once I'm done, I usually frame them and either give them to someone or keep them for myself. Either way, I feel better when they are somewhere the Corgi known as Cheyenne can't chew them when she gets mad at me. (Trust me... it happened more than once. I've had to rebuy a few kits and a Mobile speed pass.)

On a different note, little D finally ate for the first time today! Yay! So things are looking good. Mom O' CW was released from the nut house-- I mean hospital today, and the doctor said if we cross our fingers, believe in magick, and clap our hands to show our support for fairies, he'll be able to come home Sunday. Until then, we'll be driving up and spending the day with him.

Thank you to anyone who has been praying for the little guy. It seems to be helping him a lot.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Update Time.


That's Daniel. He's doing a lot better so far. He's off the oxygen and now we're just waiting for his respiration to hold under 60 so he can eat on his own. Then, he can come home. Send him good thoughts, please.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Welcome to the world Danny!

Daniel Richard was born March 1st at 11:41 AM. He weighs 7 pounds 5 ounces and is 21 inches long. My parents are really happy.

So as a welcome gift, baby bro, I, CW, hereby swear that I will not harrass you until you are at least 1. So be ready in 2009, Bud.